
The authors contend that to evaluate security architectures and to be able to compare such architectures we need to be able to speak in quantitative terms regarding them.  Current techniques for evaluation do not really allow such quantitative measures.  (Red Teams, formal methods, and Qualitative evaluation criteria)


Using probabilistic methods allows the definition of measures that can be directly compared between architectures.  It also allows for fairly easily accounting for the likelihood of unknown vulnerabilities, which could effect the measures of interest.  Using SAN models (Stochastic Activity Networks) as a basis and a particular Intrusion Tolerant architecture which is currently under development as a case study, they have applied the technique in an attempt to validate certain design choices.  The paper then breaks down the architecture into its various components and explains in detail how each is modeled probabilistically.  They also assume a model for the attacker and then solve the model using simulation and a model solving tool called Möbius.







